International conference of RENOMIA in Prague
09. May 2012
International conference of RENOMIA successfully took place in hotel Carlo Boscolo in Prague in the last week of April. It was a meeting of RENOMIA international department members from all countries where operational.
During the conference there have been presentations performed by a number of foreign guests from the field of international partners and insurers.
The aim of the conference was to share most recent know-how, inform about best procedures in the field of client service and deepen mutual awareness of foreign branches of RENOMIA. Important is also the support of growth in particular countries. Part of the program were also presentations performed by specialists about new and interesting products and of representatives of particular regions that focused on current status and development of own business.
Very interesting contribution about global market development was made by M. Goudime from US broker company Lockton, which belongs among the largest in the world. Attention attracting were also presentations of leading insurance companies, ACE (D&O insurance), Chartis (Environmental impairment liability) and XL (trends in industrial risks insurance).