Metallurgy is a sector on which most other industries depend. RENOMIA will cover all your risks, including those specific for metallurgical production.
Coal and steel are the foundation of economic cooperation between European countries. As a strategic industry, metallurgy attracts significant risks due to high energy intensity of production, working with hot liquid metal and a high degree of dependence on suppliers of raw materials. A good insurance programme for metallurgical companies combines standard and specific types of insurance.
RENOMIA specialists use their extensive experience to custom-build an optimal combination of products for you that matches your individual needs.
Main risks associated with metallurgical production:
- imports of cheap steel from countries outside the European Union
- high environmental protection costs
- dependence on coking coal, iron ore and scrap metal suppliers
- malfunction of technology resulting in business interruption
- strict health and safety regulation
Related products
business interruption due to technical malfunction and natural disaster
business interruption on the part of selected suppliers
liability for losses caused by a defective product
political risk insurancerance
We will call you back
Our specialists will gladly give you a quote for a solution tailored to your unique circumstances.